Tuesday weigh in 14 March 

Hooray! Minus a pound, taking my total loss to 8lbs.

I have missed the last two weigh ins  because of work and social commitments and I confess that I have  strayed off plan more than once…two weekends away, bread, chips, chinese take out and several glasses (bottles) of wine have been consumed! I have *tried* to make better choices in between the lapses and consumed plenty of speedy fruit and veg. 

So a loss this week which is encouraging. I have also started a new job so plenty of nervous energy burning calories. I have to take (a healthy) lunch to eat and I only get half an hour so less time to snack. No snack van calling by to tempt me- if I want a packet of crisps I have to walk down to the shop and back. Unfortunately this route passes the chip shop and the smell is heavenly. Give me strength!!! 

I feel great right now; very positive and determined to succeed. Go me!!

About downmyfront

Interested in cooking and eating, books, theatre, crafts, thrift and upcycling.
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